We must all find the fun in life! aka JOY.

A blog about the life and adventures, thoughts and musings, and moments of loving and learning of Kellie Steinbeigle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Test-Finding Joy in the Journey

This is a test to see if I can post something today: December 13, 2011, but mark it for a past date, like... let's say April 8, 2011, the day I arrived in the states from my mission. The reason for this is because I have a lot of past photos and things I'd like to "blog" about, for example, mission entries, not to mention all the great things that have happened to me post-mission! I want to blog about them all! I've never really had much time for blogging, nor have I really ever known much what to blog about. However, today, as I was looking through some of the old pictures in my camera and was wondering what to do with them, I realized: BLOG! There are so many single images I took with one person on some random day and I think the best way I can remember those moments is to blog about them! It's perfect! Now, I've debated for a while whether or not to do this and if so, how, because I already have my journal which I use to write down the things I'm feeling, but it just finally clicked is all. My blog doesn't necessarily have to be my journal, because there are a lot of personal things that go in there, but it can be more for the fun moments in life... I think I've decided on a new title for my blog: finding joy in the journey... I mean... I feel, really, that that is what life is all about: finding joy in all the little moments that make up our days and our lives. It's not about getting to the end as fast as possible, but about making every day important, and finding ways to find enjoyment and fulfillment daily. I mean, in the end, life won't be made a certificate saying "Congratulations, you did it!" but it will be a conglomeration of all the experiences, friendships, hardships, achievements, good days, bad days, realizations, learnings, etc. that have made up our existence. After all, eternity is not a destination: it is a journey. :)