We must all find the fun in life! aka JOY.

A blog about the life and adventures, thoughts and musings, and moments of loving and learning of Kellie Steinbeigle.

Friday, September 28, 2012

BYU football 2012!

So, BYU football is probably the only sport that I really go out of my way to watch. I LOVE BYU football and this year I made the dumb mistake of NOT getting an All Sports Pass. Why?  I have no idea... okay, well I do, I thought I'd try and save money by buying my tickets individually for 10 dollars instead of spending over $100 just for six games. It was a good idea, in that I did actually save money, but not so useful in that it was a lot of work to try to track down tickets to every game. In the end I only ended up getting to go to a few for lack of tickets finds, but those few games I went to (even though we lost most of them) were still such a highlight!  It's just feeling of being at a football game! The cool air, the band playing, the friends surrounding you, the shouting and cheering, just the overall feeling of autumn in the air. It's just so fun! Not to mention watching my favorite team beat their opponents (or not) soundly! Here are some snapshots from the most recent game! I LOVED how the fan sections came color coded and couldn't help but take some pictures!

Go BYU Cougars!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Due to my new situation in life: new apartment, new roommates, new classes, upcoming graduation, etc. I have been feeling a lot of stress and anxiety. Sometimes it causes me to think negatively when I have no real reason to. So, in an effort to pep myself up, I have decided it is time to start counting my blessings. I will start with writing down the things I am thankful for today!
Today I am thankful I was able to work with my missionaries and have fun learning Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, and making a lesson plan for Elison. It was fun to spend time with them, and even have our study outside where the whether was pleasant and cool.
I also got to go on a three mile run this morning before work. It was hard, but it felt great!
I went to dinner with a friend from my old apartment complex: Valerie. She is one of the funniest people. She works as a locksmith and always brings home the most entertaining stories about the most mundane of chores. Today's story was about changing the big heavy thing that makes doors close smoothly in public buildings (the spring-loaded thing on top). Apparently they are about seven pounds (which can be a lot for a woman of about 5 feet, especially if it has to be lifted above her head.) As she was unscrewing the last screw from its place, the spring bounced back and sent her flying off her 2 step stool and itself flying in the other direction. Thankfully she landed on her feet! It could have been a pretty dangerous situation, but she laughed about how silly she must have looked. One thing I can learn from Valerie, is that even in the simplest of jobs-like being a locksmith-you can find happiness in what you do. She continued to tell me all sorts of stories about her co-workers who pull jokes on her and all the fun they make in their office.  I am thankful for her positive example and will look for more opportunities to find and make fun in my situations. After all, people enjoy being around you much more when you are positive and happy!
I got to talk to my family on the phone today, as it was my Mom's birthday. There is no one as amazing as my Mom! If I could write about her greatness, it would take up an entire blog devoted just to her!  She was sick today unfortunately, but answered as cheerfully as ever when I called. I can always count on my Mom to lift my mood! I listen while the put me on speaker phone and sang Happy Birthday to her and felt happy to have such a fun family. :)
Lastly, I talked to a friend of mine from my mission, sometimes I call him "Georgia-boy" since that is where He is from.  He is the kind of person who always listens and inspires me to think positively and trust in Heavenly Father, so I was thankful, as usual, for his kind words and simple testimony of the love our Father in Heaven has for us and his desire to answer our prayers. He wants us to be happy. Sometimes I forget this! But I'm thankful for the people in my life who remind me!
Now that my day is through, I'm thankful I had the chance to reflect on the people and events that make my life great! Hopefully I can adapt this positive attitude and think more of my blessings so that I can be a more happy person! :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Rodeo!

Hey!! I got to go to my first rodeo!  I had no idea it would be so fun to watch!  I went with my awesome new roommates: Kallie, Nicki, and Amanda. (three of the five) We all got dressed up in our best cow-girl impersonation get-ups and watched the horse races, calf roping, and bull riding. It was pretty darn cool! I can't believe I've never been to one of those before!!

Yee haw!

Leaf Bug

So today while I was doing my homework outside, enjoying the lovely weather, I happened upon the strangest but coolest little creature: a leaf bug! More specifically, a Tettigoniidae, aka, a Katydid! I suppose it was scared stiff to have me staring so closely at it and putting my camera in its face, but it was kind enough to pose for a picture. I enjoyed conversing with the thing for a few minutes before returning my attention to my homework. I even nerdishly took a little video of him (or her) walking on the grass.  She was so light on her feet that I had to study her more.
Oh, and she may very well be a He, but with a name like KATYdid, you never can tell. ;)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Two new characters- Princess Eloinwy and Dalbein

Okay, my next assignment is due today! I spent a lot of time thinking about how I would portray Princess Eloinwy from the Chronicles of Prydain and went through many different silhouettes and character ideas. Finally I decided on something which I hoped incorporated some of her "sea king" ancestry. Unfortunately, I didn't spend nearly as much time thinking about the Wizard, whose name I even forgot. But, here are the two finished (mostly) characters which I turned in today. Needless to say, they still need some work, but that is exactly what this class is for!

Dalbein. I think that was his name. Also, we've been learning about straights and curves (or stretch vs. squish) and so I was trying to incorporate some of that into Him as well. Princess Eilonwy has a special glowing orb which she calls her "Bauble" that floats around and has some magical powers. I sure love the stories of each of these characters! Even when my drawings of them turn out less than ideal, I still fall in love with them!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Provo Temple with Friends!

Got to go to the temple with my besties! Jessica and Kallie, and her best friend Ashley went with us as well.  Kallie wanted to take advantage of having two of her closest friends in the same place at the same time, so we stopped for a photo opp! Don't mind my missionary-looking attire... I had just been working at the best place ever ;) ...

Ps, we are girls with pretty bags too, nao eh?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th Memorial

As I was walking home from class today, I ran into the memorial set up by BYU. In memory of the events of that dreadful day eleven years ago, BYU set the flag at half mast, and placed some flowers and a folded up flag at the site. People were invited to contribute their own flowers at any time throughout the day and at least two military men stood guard at all time, taking turns for 24 straight hours, in memory of the many souls who were lost. I found the scene to be very moving and stopped to stand in reverence. It was surprising to me how special the scene was-how humble and holy. I felt awed just standing there--remembering--the peace and spiritual feeling unmistakable.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Missionaries

So, I probably shouldn't call them MY missionaries, because technically they should be called The Lord's Missionaries, or their mother's missionaries, or whichever young lady might be writing to them's missionaries, but I just can't help but want to call them mine!
After all, I spend nine wonderful weeks training each one, sitting down and talking with them one on one, trying to help them discover and strengthen their weaknesses and strengths, interviewing, teaching, loving, training, serving... They deserve at least in part to be called my missionaries. (or I deserve...)
Anyway, here they are, the latest bunch, all ready to go into the field after nine long weeks of rigorous missionary training. They speak the language, they teach with love, they search for needs and adapt to them, they trust in the Lord and have faith in his plan. They are ready. :)
But, as usual, I will surely miss them. Good luck out there in Brazil! They await your talents, skills, service, message, and love!
From left to right: Elders Staples, Peckham, Egbert, Evans, Proksh, Wartena- all going to Brazil
This picture is for Elder Staples. He wanted to spread some love. <3 br="br">

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Character Design-Fleuder Flam

So, this semester I decided it would be helpful for me to take a character design class. I've been studying illustration at BYU for a few semesters now, and feel that my character designs have been very weak all along. I've had fellow classmates take this class and feel that there is a definite difference between their characters and mine! Ha, as you can see, this has probably been the best decision I've every made! Here is a picture of the first assignment I turned in.


Yeah, I've got a long way to go! These are two versions of Fleuder Flam, a character from the book The Chronicles of Prydain. My teacher, Boston Madsen has only been graduated from BYU for a few years herself, but I can tell she's going to be an excellent help to me this semester. She expresses great confidence in us, is very kind, and gives honest and helpful feedback. She's been great so far and I know she'll help me take these rather lovely Fleuder Flams and make something special out of them. 

AND YET, despite their rudimentary quality, I still can't help but love them... especially the big guy on the right. Doesn't He just look so happy? and the one on the left, perhaps a little disgruntled... his harp strings have just snapped again, right in the middle of most important part of the big story he was just telling me! They are always doing that, you see. :)