We must all find the fun in life! aka JOY.

A blog about the life and adventures, thoughts and musings, and moments of loving and learning of Kellie Steinbeigle.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Joy in Temple Covenants!

Today I just received a phone call from one of my mission companions, Emily Peck, with some of the greatest news!  One of our recent converts had been running through her head all week, and so today she decided to call her, Dona Clair, baptised February 29, 2010 into the Caxingui Ward of the Sao Paulo Stake in the Sao Paulo North Mission, Brasil.  She said that as she chat briefly with Dona Clair, this sweet older woman expressed her excitement about being able to receive her patriarchal blessing later on this week as well as her current enrollment in a temple preparation class in preparation for her temple endowment which she will be receiving next month!  This came to me as some of the most wonderful news!!!  I just had to post this JOYous moment asap on my blog for the world to see!  Dona Clair will be entering the temple to make covenants with our Father in Heaven next month! What a wonderful blessing to have been able to be a part of her life, participate in her story, and see, even a year after her baptism, the great blessings that come from faithfulness and consistency in the church.  This sweet woman was such an example to me of perfect childlike faith.  She believed so readily and heartily the doctrines as they were taught to her and she knew, from the beginning, that this gospel, this church, was the thing that had been missing from her life for so long.  She loves the church, and has grown so much even in the short time that we've known her, and I feel so blessed to have her be a part of my mission story as well.  Sweet Dona Clair, PARABENS por sua fidelidade! Nos a amamos e regozijamos em saber de seu progresso e desejo de continuar firme neste caminho tao estreito e apertado. Sei que realmente, a Senhora esta no caminho que leva de verdade a vida eterna!  Parabens minha amiga! Te amo!!! <3 <3 <3

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