We must all find the fun in life! aka JOY.

A blog about the life and adventures, thoughts and musings, and moments of loving and learning of Kellie Steinbeigle.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Steinbeigle Family Bakery

Christmastime is here and the Steinbeigle family bakery is OPEN! We've been cooking up a storm all week! Every year my family makes an assortments of cookies to snack on all through the holidays as well as to give out to friends and neighbors. My mother and sisters and I have been busy making pinwheels, sprits, molasses cookies, chocolate dipped sugar cookies, melting moments, chocolate dipped pretzels, white chocolate covered popcorn, cookie cutter sugar cookies (hand decorated, too!) and gingerbread houses! Here is some of what we did!

Every artist needs a signature! I may start using this more often!
This are the cookies my baby sister Savanna decorated

These ones are decorated by Amber-an artist herself

These are Micheley-belles!

A few extra ones I decided to get artsy with

Here are the ones I decorated

Gingerbread houses! This one in front is mine!

This one is Amber's. We keep teasing her that it looks like an outhouse. She thinks it looks like a man with his mouth open!

This one is Savanna's!
Here is Michele's! I like the pearl decorations!

Here's our little town!
My favorite part about all of this is just getting to spend time with my sisters and parents. I sure love being home for Christmas and they make it so much more special! I'm happy we all get to be together for this special season! Happy happy Christmastime!

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